Report text|My Village

(Muhammad Adi Sutanto/X-IPS1/19)
"Thank you for coming to my blog,i hope you enjoy read this text":)

Hello guys, how about learning during this online learning period, do you feel bored ?? of course you must be bored right now, now for those of you who are bored with this situation I give one important tip so you can get rid of boredom, the tip is refreshing.

How do you make our refreshing satisfying even during the pandemic? The way is when refreshing keep your mind away from things that smell of school material, for example cycling around the village,Playing games with friends, jogging with family,Read things or references that you think are fun, for example you like to make food, then read things that discuss how to cook and etc.

For those of you who are bored, maybe my text report can help you get rid of boredom, because this text report is presented with your heart :)

                          MY VILLAGE
There are many interesting things in my village that I will tell you in this text, of course interesting and exciting.

1. The origin of the name of the village
The name of my village is Kulak, why is it called Kulak? A long time ago, around the Japanese colonial era there was still my village where sellers looked for merchandise or in plain Javanese commonly referred to by the word "Kulakan", from there came the name Kulak which eventually became the name of my village.

2. Overlay of green rice fields and banana gardens

Just looking at the picture, it can be concluded that my village has an environment that is still maintained, beautiful, and the air is fresh. This picture can also explain the average livelihoods in My village is a farmer.
By the way the banana garden is my garden, you can visit my village and enjoy the bananas.

3.The place to gain knowledge for the people of my village area.
A clean environment, the trees that provide fresh air certainly ensure learning here is calm and comfortable, the school infrastructure is also very much, starting from the soccer field,and others.
4. You must try Lodho chicken
If you have never heard and tasted the typical Tulungagung Lodho chicken you can taste it in my village, maybe you can stop by here after playing in our village.Only with 18,000 Idk you can feel the sensation of Lodho's chicken.
Still not full of Lodho chicken, you can go to "Kampoeng Kuliner" which is right next to the Lodho Chicken Restaurant. Here you can be spoiled by a variety of delicious food and drinks and don't forget to try fish therapy.

5. Health needs to be maintained, if you are sick, this is the solution
Health is the most important thing, if the villagers of mine are experiencing health problems usually visit Doctor Happy, Guaranteed after you visit this place you will be healthy and Happy as the name of the doctor :).

6.Natural beauty in my village
This waterfall is one of the amazing places in my village, we can feel the fresh air and splash of water from the waterfall, I often spend my time fishing.

7.Masjid Al-Muhajirin is a place to learn as well as worship God
This is the place for me to worship and recite the Koran every day, not infrequently there are also meals together to strengthen the relationship between people, if you want to feel the sensation of solidarity between your fellowmen, you can come here and join the meal together

8.Frangipani gardens as well as portals to another world
See how impressive this grave is, decorated with many frangipani trees that make the grave area always smell good. This is a portal for humans to the next realm, of course with your good deeds you can go to heaven.

Ok readers, what about the text that I made, do you feel bored after reading this text or are you still bored? If you are still bored, you can do fun activities.Hopefully this pandemic situation will end soon and everything will return to normal. Thank you for reading this text and stay safe for all of you, LOVE YOU ALL AND LOVE YOU TO MY TEACHERS AND MY EX .

Look forward to the next blog, Byeeeeee👋👋👋👋


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Tugas bahasa inggris SOS4LOVE&SDGS(Muhammad Adi sutanto/X-IPS 1/19)